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  • Next Battlefield V Update Will Be Received Tomorrow

    Temps: Jan. 28, 2019

    Battlefield V Origin CD Key will receive another update this week on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. As usual, producer Jaqub Ajmal offered a preview of what will happen, including additional storage enhancements, Killcam fixes, several user interface improvements and much more.


    The notification of this update, with details of the content, will be announced on January 28, provided that the schedule progresses as planned. However, EA DICE gave a general description of what will be included in the update. One of these changes is the game's kill cams, which layers seem to have put players out of the game for too long. The Battlefield V producer, Jaqub Ajmal, confirmed this information by indicating that there was a fix available in the next update.



    Ajmal responded to the players' concerns about AA nerfs and promised a "substantial" improvement and a more consistent shooting down aircraft experience. Players should be aware of that projectiles that explode near an aircraft cause more damage and that the closest shots from the target cause more damage than the shots furthest from the target.


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