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The Sims 4 Seasons DLC Key Global

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Note: The Sims 4 Seasons DLC Key is a digital product - no box delivery. The price applies to a digital version of the product.
Experience impactful weather

Enjoy four stunning seasons and dynamically changing weather that affects all aspects of your Sims’ lives. From hot and sunny to blustery and snowy, every world’s climate is unique and impacts your Sims’ choices, relationships and daily activities. Control the elements to summon thunderstorms, clear up overcast skies or jump between seasons.

Revel in seasonal activities

Year-round activities provide Sims fun and entertaining ways to enjoy the seasons. Bundle up to build a snow pal with friends, create snow angels or perform cool tricks at the skating rink. Toss on a raincoat to splash in a spring shower and explore the outdoors to earn badges as a scout. Dress Sims in new swimwear to cool off in the sprinkler or play in the kiddie pool. Harvest honey in the fall, play in leaves or have child Sims make homemade holiday crafts.

Celebrate the holidays

Decorate your home and bring Sims together to celebrate heartfelt holiday traditions. Ring in the new year with a celebration, enjoy a romantic date during Love Day or gather the family for a bountiful harvest feast. Watch as your Sims count down the calendar days until Winterfest, where presents are gifted, decorations are hung, and Father Winter pays a visit. You can even create custom holidays and choose how your Sims celebrate.

Grow your gardening career

Create beautiful bouquets and unearth new discoveries in the gardening career. With a newfound green thumb as a floral designer, Sims craft flower arrangements and make deliveries around town. More scientific Sims can become a botanist, where they’ll analyze plants, write scientific papers and gain notoriety to earn grants. Advance your Sim’s budding talents to unlock fresh skills, new outfits and handy objects.

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